Audience and Demographics
What is Demograhpics ?
Demograpics is used in multiple media marketing to identify audiences in different categories through :
- Age - beliefs
-Gender - Areas (urban and rural)
-Social class -Race
By studying your customers and potential customers through demographics, one can identify changing needs in the marketplace and adjust to them accordingly.
In terms of social class, families are classified according to their occupation:
I/A Professional
II/B Managerial and technical
IIIN/C1 Skilled: non-manual
IIIM/C2 Skilled: manual
IV/D Partly skilled
V/E Unskilled
Also research methods help to identify our target audience that consists of :
Feedback on a prototype (this is also known as product testing)
Conventions of a genre or product
Audience profiling
This has given me a clear understanding on the importance of demographic information and statistics. Furthermore, when I come to making my products I will ensure that I take these factors into consideration in order to directly address it to my audience.